Article Submission Guidelines

Article Submission Guidelines

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting an article for publication:

Originality: Articles submitted to MPA Media must be written exclusively for Dynamic Chiropractic or Acupuncture Today, and must not have been previously published or submitted to any other publisher.

Promotion: Articles must not be commercial or promotional with respect to any specific product or service. Any such references will be omitted or reworded in general terms. Doing so protects the legitimacy of your article in the eyes of our readership. See credentials section for company affiliation stipulations.

Length: Our readers tell us they are more likely to read short, concise articles. We recommend a length of approximately 500-1,000 words, typed, single-spaced (excluding reference list). Longer submissions will be returned with a request to edit down to our suggested word count or a request to split into two stand-alone articles.

Formatting: We prefer Microsoft Word documents, as it translates best for our graphic design department. Please do not send PDF files or files with embedded references. Our editorial board only considers electronic submissions.

Credentials: Please include verifiable contact and credential information (i.e., curriculum vitae and/or brief biography) and a highresolution color headshot with all submissions. We will include a short bio sketch of the author with each published article. Company affiliation as it relates to the article (one mention), and one method of contact (Web or e-mail address) are permissible. Reference to specific products, services or proprietary techniques is prohibited.

Review Process: An in–house editorial panel reviews all articles; occasionally, an article may be sent to an outside reviewer for additional input. In general, this process takes approximately six weeks. You will receive notification by email as to whether MPA Media is interested in publishing your article, and a general timeframe for publication.

Article Destination: If accepted, your article may appear in one or more of our publications, depending on reader relevance. We often publish articles in multiple publications depending on topic. If your article appears in print, it will also appear in the digital version of the issue and in our online archives. Your article also may appear in the digital version only as a digital exclusive; if so designated, it will also appear in the online archives, and a note in the print edition will announce its presence in the digital edition and highlight it as exclusive digital content.

Article Editing & Formatting: MPA Media formats articles for press using The Associated Press Stylebook and an in-house style guide, and edit at our discretion for grammar, flow and readability. This can include changing a title to maximize reader engagement and/or accommodate space limitations. In addition, editors may perform sentence and/or paragraph edits for space. The author is contacted only when the editor has a question regarding the meaning of a particular passage, the accuracy of a statement is in question, or more information is required (missing references, etc.). Authors appreciate this attention to detail and our efforts to make the article as reader-friendly as possible.

Copyright: If an article is accepted for publication, an "Assignment of Copyright" form must be signed and returned before we can publish your work. This form ensures that you have not published your work elsewhere and that if it is published subsequently in any non-MPA Media format, it must include acknowledgement of the MPA Media publication in which it originally appeared. This also allows MPA Media to protect you from those who would attempt to reprint your article without permission. Note: A single signed copyright covers all articles submitted to MPA Media.

Publishing Timeline: MPA Media has a backlog of accepted articles. A newly accepted article may not immediately be published, unless it is a news item or is otherwise time-critical. We do not base placement of an article on any scheduled advertising; instances in which editorial content appears similar to an advertisement are strictly coincidental.

For submission deadlines by publication, please visit the Editorial Resource Center at


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