Ad Requirements

Ad Requirements

To ensure the highest quality print advertisements possible, please adhere to the following requirements.

We accept the following formats: PDF (see below), EPS, JPG (at least 200 dpi), TIFF (at least 200 dpi) or a native, working file from one of the following programs: Adobe InDesign (INDD), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), or Adobe Illustrator (AI) — all CS6 or above, with associated links, files and fonts included.

General Guidelines: To avoid production charges, your digital artwork dimensions must conform to our ad sizes, standards and specifications. All ads must contain a border that extends around the entire ad, except full-page tabloid ads. All ads must be sized according to the ad specifications per the advertising contract. Lines knocking out of a 4-Color background image, gradient or solid color must not be smaller than 1 point.

Artwork: All artwork must be sent as a separate file, whether embedded or placed. It must be PDF, TIFF, EPS or Native File Format as listed above. Use 4-Color (CMYK) or Grayscale (Black & White). It must be sent at 100% full physical print size at a resolution of 200 dpi for newsprint. The Total Ink Density of your advertisement should not exceed 260% for newsprint. Ink density exceeding these values will over-saturate, causing your advertisement to appear darker than intended.

Fonts: All screen and printer fonts must be included. Fonts in Illustrator must be converted to OUTLINES. Photoshop text must be rendered (not editable text). Black text must be 100% black or a shade of solid black, not values of CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black, otherwise known as 4-Color). Reversed text must not be smaller than 12 points; 4-Color text, text knocking out of a background, image, gradient or solid color, must not be smaller than 12 points. Small color type should be no smaller than 10 points.

NOTE: Ads with text or lines that do not meet these requirements will not print clearly.

PDF File Requirements: All fonts must be embedded. No OPI tags on images/artwork or any profiles of any kind such as ICC. Images/Artwork should be at least 200 dpi for newsprint. Black or a percentage of black type should be 100% Black/Grayscale. Rich black type (values of CMYK to make black) is not accepted unless type is at least 14 points or larger. It is recommended that reverse type be no smaller than 12 points. Reverse type in colored boxes is not recommended. The Total Ink Density of your advertisement should not exceed 260% for newsprint. Ink density exceeding these values will oversaturate, causing your advertisement to appear darker than intended.

For more detailed specifications and requirements, please contact our production department at 714-230-3158.


For advertising rates contact us at 714-679-4003 or