Editor's Note: Previous articles by the author discussed the health benefits of CBD (August 2021 issue) and CBG (May 2021 issue).
When it comes to cannabis, most people focus on the effects and benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
What Is Cannabinol?
CBN is a cannabinoid produced through the oxidization process of tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THC-A). This means that when THC is heated and exposed to oxygen, the result is CBN. Since CBN is a product of THC, it does have a mild psychoactive effect, but much less than THC.
Potential Health Benefits
While research on the health benefits of CBN is still in its early stages, the results and potential implications are extremely encouraging. Let's take a look at some of the noted health benefits of CBN.
Antibacterial: A 2008 study1 found that CBN was especially effective at treating strains of MRSA bacterial infections. Some of these strains are resistant to traditional antibiotics. This could mean CBN may be the future of and the only option for treating certain strains of MRSA.
Protectant Against ALS: CBN may be one of the keys to fighting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In fact, one study2 found that delivering CBD subcutaneously significantly delayed the onset of the disease. While further research is required, this may be promising preliminary data on demonstrating how CBD can fight ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Sleep promotion: When combined with THC, CBN has been reported to improve sleep. It's actually been found to be more effective as a sedative than THC alone. However, CBN alone has not been found to aid sleep. While only one known study3 has been done on the subject, further research is needed to determine CBN's effects on sleep.
Appetite stimulant: A study4 from 2012 showed that CBN is effective as an appetite stimulant. While some people use THC to achieve the same effect, CBN offers a great alternative that will keep the user from feeling high.
Anti-inflammatory: Much like CBD, studies5 have shown the CBN is effective as an anti-inflammatory. It has been shown to be particularly effective at treating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Cancer-fighting agent: A massive study6 done in 2020 on the impacts of multiple cannabinoids on cancer found that CBN can be used to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It was found to be particularly effective in preventing the growth of breast cancer cells.
Anticonvulsant: CBN might be a great alternative for those looking for a way to prevent seizures. Like CBD and THC, CBN has been found7 to have anticonvulsant properties.
Pain reliever: A 2019 study8 found that CBN could potentially help people manage pain. It may be particularly effective in helping in the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia.
How to Take CBN and What to Look for In a Product
CBN is most widely available as an oil that is typically combined with another cannabinoid like CBD. This is an effective way to take CBN that could provide the health benefits listed above.
When choosing a CBN product for your patients, you should look for a product that has been third-party tested. The FDA does not regulate CBN products. Therefore, third-party testing is a great way to verify the safety and cannabinoid makeup of the product you are ingesting. The certificate of analysis or lab report is typically available upon request.
While much more research is required to determine all the benefits of CBN, the results that have been found thus far are extremely promising. If your patients are experiencing any of the health issues discussed above, CBN may be a key part of the solution.
- Appendino G, et al. Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study. J Nat Prod, 2008 Aug;71(8):1427-30.
- Weydt P, et al. Cannabinol delays symptom onset in SOD1 (G93A) transgenic mice without affecting survival. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Other Motor Neuron Disord, 2005 Sep;6(3):182-4.
- Karniol IG, et al. Effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinol in man. Pharmacol, 1975;13(6):502-12.
- Farrimond JA, et al. Cannabinol and cannabidiol exert opposing effects on rat feeding patterns. Psychopharmacol, 2012 Sep;223(1):117-29.
- Zurier RB, et al. Cannabinoids, inflammation, and fibrosis. FASEB J, 2016 Nov;30(11):3682-89.
- Tomko AM, et al. Anti-cancer potential of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids present in cannabis. Cancers, 2020 Jul; 12(7):1985.
- Karler R, et al. Anticonvulsant properties of D9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids.
- Wong H, et al. Cannabidiol, cannabinol and their combinations act as peripheral analgesics in a rat model of myofascial pain. Arch Oral Biol, 2019 Aug;104:33-39.
Caroline La, a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (now PCHS), has more than a decade of experience treating patients. She has worked alongside naturopathic doctors, integrative functional medical doctors and reproductive endocrinologists, and specializes in treating infertility, women's health, digestive disorders, and difficult-to-treat chronic illnesses with herbal medicine and acupuncture. Caroline is also the owner of Longevity CBD, offering products that combine CBD with other minor cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN and CBC with researched backed botanicals. For more information, visit www.longevitycbd.co.