Zantac, the brand-name medication widely used for indigestion and heartburn, has been in the news lately, and as we've increasingly come to expect with many medications, not for a good reason. Late last year, the Food and Drug Administration found unacceptable levels of a cancer-causing compound, nitrosodimethlyamine in both Zantac and its generic equivalents (apparently drugs can have acceptable levels of cancer-causing compounds), prompting worldwide recalls and litigation.
Researchers compared acupuncture with sham treatments among 278 patients ages 18-65, all of whom had been diagnosed with postprandial distress syndrome. In the acupuncture group, more than 80 percent responded to treatments by the four-week mark, compared to just over 50 percent in the sham group. Nearly 30 percent reported complete elimination of their primary symptoms (27.8 percent) versus only 17.3 percent of sham group participants.
According to findings, these benefits were maintained during 12 weeks of follow-up. Researchers also stated, "[t]here were no serious adverse events" – a claim that apparently can't be made with Zantac and similar medications these days.
Source: Wang J-W, et al. Effect of acupuncture for postprandial distress syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. Ann Intern Med, 2020 May 12 (online first).
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