Vibrational medicine involves the application of various forms of energy frequencies to the body for pain relief, healing and rejuvenation. Vibrational medicine will become a major growing trend in our medical systems for the following reasons:
- It can be highly effective - sometimes almost magically so.
- It acts more rapidly than most other healing modalities.
- It is very safe. Side effects are rare and when they occur, they are almost never serious.
- It is inexpensive - a practitioner can purchase a moderately priced vibrational healing device and use it to treat thousands of people for many years for the cost of electricity and maintenance!
Vibrational medicine works on the principle of frequency resonance. The simplified definition of frequency resonance from Merriam-Webster's online dictionary is: "a frequency capable of exciting a resonance maximum in a given body or system."
This definition is very useful for our understanding. This means that there are one or more frequencies or oscillation rates, that will excite any body or system and cause it to increase its energy level or response. Think about a patient with a sluggish liver after recovering from an illness. There will be one or more frequencies that, when applied to that liver, will cause it to become more energized or will balance its function.
According to the pioneering work of naturopath Harry Van Gelder, the frequency of 35 Hz will most strongly resonate with the liver. Therefore, applying energy in the form of micro-current oscillating at 35 Hz can favorably affect the liver.
The most common forms of vibrational medicine are light and sound therapies, frequency-specific micro-current and potentized medicines such as homeopathic remedies and flower essences. Spiritual and soul healing is another form of vibrational medicine, even though its vibrations cannot yet be measured with scientific equipment.
Most practitioners practicing these modalities use them separately. Some, especially classically trained homeopaths, believe that combining different forms of vibrational therapies will detract from or block effectiveness. I do believe this could be valid in the case of homeopathy, as the aim is to induce a specific healing response in the body, and in this case "less is more."
When it comes to the use of micro-current, light and sound therapies, it has been my experience that treatment results are usually augmented though the use of combination therapies. I have written many articles about the value of combining micro-current and color light therapies. I have also developed the PNE Balancing system that combines micro-current, light, sound and essential oils for psychological balancing. For details see my article Acupuncture, Chakras and Cancer Treatment: Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine Balancing in Acupuncture Today.
Therapeutic Effects
Micro-current has the following valuable therapeutic effects that have made it very popular among acupuncturists, chiropractors and holistic healing professionals:
- Stimulates cellular ATP production for healing acceleration effects.
- Improves micro-circulation.
- Lifts and rejuvenates, excellent for facial rejuvenation and body sculpting.
- Proven wound healing acceleration effects.
- Promotes lymphatic drainage.
- Relieves pain.
- Ideal for creating resonance effects through frequency input (FSM).
- Strengthens weak muscles.
Frequency-Specific Micro-current
Several pioneering naturopaths including Harry Van Gelder and Albert Abrams have put out extensive lists of frequencies useful for treating diseases. There are also extensive lists of therapeutic frequencies available online at
With these frequencies "let the buyer beware," as not all frequencies listed for each health condition will be useful for any given patient. For this reason, it is valuable to use some form of kinesiology to "ask the body" which frequency will be most useful and therapeutic for each individual. Chiropractor Carolyn McMakin has done a good job of popularizing the use of Van Gelder and Abram's frequencies though the use of micro-current stimulation. Her system is called Frequency-Specific Microcurrent, or FSM. There are now hundreds of doctors and practitioners using FSM with many reported positive results. This system is popular because it is easy to practice, as the exact location of electrodes on the body is not as important as applying the right series of frequencies that target the patient's complaint.
Van Gelder's frequencies are divided into two categories: tissue frequencies and condition frequencies. It is customary to use frequencies from each category in a treatment session. For example, for relieving chronic inflammation the liver, we could use: Tissue frequency for the liver (35 Hz) / Condition frequency for chronic inflammation (284 Hz). These micro-current frequencies could be applied in a sequence, or simultaneously by using two sets of electrodes applied at the same time.
Strengths of FSM:
- It is easy to learn and apply.
- Can be applied as unattended therapy with some types of equipment.
- High reported effectiveness when correct frequencies are selected.
- No knowledge of acupuncture is required.
- A wide range of conditions can be treated with minimal risk.
Limitations of FSM:
- By not treating well-selected acu-points its effectiveness may be limited.
- Time consuming, not as many rapid results.
- Few practitioners have a way to verify the value of listed frequencies - they may or may not be the most useful ones for individual patients.
Microlight Therapy
Another popular and valuable vibrational system using micro-current is called Micro-light therapy. This is a system for stimulating acupuncture points, trigger points, muscle origin-insertions and other special points on the body with a combination of microcurrent and color light.
This form of combination therapy adds another dimension of potential effectiveness due to the wider spectrum of frequencies being used. I have already summarized the valuable effects of micro-current above. The benefits of light therapies include; well selected colors that can have positive effects on emotion, mood and affect, it helps regulate chakras for a wide range of valuable mind-body effects, it has a direct effect on hormonal balancing for conditions ranging from menopausal hot flashes to hypothyroid and helps balance the Five Elements, as described through TCM texts, in addition it also provides valuable Root treatments to deepen symptomatic effects of acupuncture.
Strengths of Microlight therapy:
- Highly effective, taps into the power of acupuncture and vibrational resonance.
- Very well accepted by patients, including children.
- Very rapid effects - pain relief or facial lifting is often noticed within seconds to minutes.
- Strong effects for neurologic degenerative conditions.
- Offers non-needle treatment system that can allow acupuncturists to attract needle-phobic patients.
Limitations of Microlight therapy:
- While many techniques are anatomically based, best results require some knowledge of acupuncture points and meridian pathways. Therefore, this system is best suited for acupuncturists.
- Many techniques are hands-on, require practitioner to be present.
- Practitioner must be aware of polarization of electrodes to ensure good results.
Maximizing Clinical Results Through Combination Therapies
In my experience, both FSM and Microlight therapy can provide significantly effective clinical results. They seem to work through different body pathways - FSM through general resonance effects and Microlight through more specific meridian points and pathways.
These systems are highly synergistic. The combination of FSM with color light acupuncture creates many remarkably effective clinical outcomes. After much experimentation I have observed that a sequence of brief micro-current acu-point techniques, followed by a longer period of FSM pad treatments, provides some of the best patient responses I have witnessed. It appears that the more specific, vibrationally resonant point treatments creates rapid symptomatic results and sets the body up to better respond to the frequency resonance effects of FSM.
This combination approach has produced very positive results for the following conditions in my practice and that of my colleagues using it: peripheral neuropathy, sciatica and severe back pain, migraine treatment and prevention, relief of physical pain and emotional stress in cancer patients, facial rejuvenation, post-stroke syndrome, multiple sclerosis and depression.
In some cases, I also add sound therapies in the form of toning with the patient while the micro-current and/or light is applied to chakras. Micro-current, light and sound are at very different bands of the electro-magnetic spectrum. For this reason, they do not cancel each other out, as could be the case with frequencies much closer to each other.
Click here for previous articles by Darren Starwynn, OMD, LAc.