One modality now generating tremendous excitement among acupuncturists and other health care practitioners is color light therapy. This excitement is due to its remarkable effects at helping to resolve so many challenging and frustrating patient conditions of the body and mind.
Since I have been teaching color light and microcurrent acupuncture methods to acupuncturists, I have received a stream of correspondence from students documenting many remarkable results using these techniques. These practitioners were inspired to write because the results in many cases greatly exceeded previous results when acupuncture along was used. A few of these accounts are summarized later in this article.
Remember the last time you enjoyed a sunny day, the beauty of a colorful sunset, and stimulating art? Advertisers know the value of color light and utilize the science of color to motivate you to buy their products. Certain colors are used in doctor's offices, day care centers, restaurants, and so on. They are all around us - to calm, enhance learning, stimulate your appetite, etc. People deprived of sunlight for long periods of time sometimes develop a depressive condition called SAD, or seasonal affective disorder.
Light is now used as therapy in many different ways, with varying levels of results. Some light therapies direct light into the eyes, some bathe body regions in light, and some apply it to specific acupoints. Lasers are now used for surgery and cosmetic treatments.
Color light is one of the most direct and effective ways to heal. This is due to the fact that our bodies are literally made of slowed-down light, according to modern physics. The body responds very well to light because all of the cells in our bodies communicate with each other via light waves. This communication network is orchestrated by the light-encoded fibers of our DNA, and flows through our energy meridian systems.1
It is fascinating to understand that the beneficial effects of herbs, supplements and pharmaceutical drugs are mainly due to the color wavelengths of light released into the body as the physical substances are metabolized. Therefore, all types of medicine and healing are truly associated with color energy. When we apply the appropriate color light to the body, we are in effect "cutting out the middle-man" of physical substance and giving the body-mind exactly what it is hungering for.
Colors of light are chosen individually for each client. This is not a "one-size-fits-all" procedure, as is so common with other forms of light therapy using lasers and infrared lamps. Color light acupuncture can be combined with other techniques and modalities. It complements acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, counseling and esthetics. It is ideal for children and adults, even pets (with a human surrogate for testing).
Here are a few interesting clinical accounts.
- A 40-plus year-old woman with environmental and food allergies. The acupuncturist had used needle acupuncture and auricular microcurrent for many sessions, with limited results. In one session she added mu-shu technique for the liver and spleen, using color light probes to simultaneously stimulate the front-mu and back-shu points for each organ. Green light was used on Liver 14 and UB 18, and yellow light for Liver 13 and UB 20. The patient did not require further treatment for several months, remarking, "That last treatment worked so well!"
- A woman with fibromyalgia that was mostly unresponsive to treatment over a long period of acupuncture treatments. An acupuncturist took a color light class, with the stated intention of finding an answer for this challenging patient. She measured the spin patterns of the PNE centers (chakras) and treated some with color light. After only one treatment, she wrote, "She revealed things to me about her history that she has never mentioned in the three years I have been treating her. Also, her friends report that she looks better... ."2
- A healer friend had recently lost one of her dogs to Valley fever. Now, another of her dogs was showing similar symptoms of coughing and had been diagnosed with the same condition by a veterinarian. She brought the dog to me, trying to stave off the progression of the disease. I used surrogate muscle testing to test the dog for the needed color by testing my friend while she held the dog. Indigo clearly was indicated, because the woman's test muscle was only strong when indigo was applied to the animal. I used microcurrent-color light probes to apply mu-shu treatment with polarized microcurrent at 10 Hz, 75 µA, with simultaneous indigo light. Points treated were a Lu 1 and UB 13 combination, and a Lu 1 and Lu 7 combination. Each set of points was treated for about 30 seconds. I then energized the dog's yang energy by applying red light and biphasic microcurrent bilaterally to several back-shu points on the lower back.
I heard back from the owner about two weeks after the treatment. She reported that the dog's cough had completely cleared up after that one treatment!
In summary, the application of microcurrrent or needle acupuncture, in combination with accurately selected colors of light, is a modality with great clinical power and potential that deserves a great deal of further research and clinical trials. I believe this is due to multidimensional effects on both energy and information. Acupuncture and microcurrent therapies are effective for coursing and balancing energy (qi), while needed colors can supply vibrational information that helps return the body to energetic coherence.
For more details on color light acupuncture, please see my previous articles in Acupuncture Today. Some of these articles also contain bibliographies for further resources on color light healing. I also welcome correspondence with practitioners utilizing or having an interest in this subject. I can be contacted at the e-mail address below.
- A Russian researcher, Dr. Pankratov, used sensitive light measurement devices to prove that light does indeed flow through the acupuncture meridian system. He and his colleagues directed small light sources onto acupuncture points on human subjects, then measured light output on various other distant sites on the body. They detected light coming out of the body from other acupuncture points on the same meridians on which the light source was applied, but not from other random areas.
- For more information on color light PNE balancing, please see my article of the same name in the Acupuncture Today archives at
Click here for previous articles by Darren Starwynn, OMD, LAc.