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Acupuncture Today – November, 2000, Vol. 01, Issue 11

AT Announces Call for Columnists

By Editorial Staff

To better serve the needs of the acupuncture profession, Acupuncture Today is announcing a call for columnists for 2001. Potential columnists should have an intimate knowledge of acupuncture and/or Oriental medicine, and the ability to write clearly and concisely.

Current needs/areas of interest for AT include: research; pediatric acupuncture; history; sports acupuncture; nutrition & wellness; and tui na. Reports from national or international conferences are also welcomed. In addition, individual practitioners and students are encouraged to submit articles about their experience(s) in their practice and in the profession.

If you would like to be considered for publication, please submit the following to Acupuncture Today:

  • Two (2) articles of no more than 750 words each. Articles can be sent either by fax (714-536-1482), e-mail ( ) or computer disk;
  • A professional-quality photograph (preferably color);
  • An updated curriculum vitae;
  • An outline of the topics you would like to discuss in your column.

For more information, please contact our editorial department, by phone (714-960-3268) or e-mail ( ), or write to: Acupuncture Today, Editorial Department, P.O. Box 6070, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6070.

Acupuncture Today editorial staff members research, investigate and write articles for the publication on an ongoing basis. To contact the Editorial Department or submit an article of your own for consideration, email mailto: .

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