Circulation Totals by Profession     (Updated: Friday, 21-Mar-2025 04:10:45 PDT)
Please note the circulation totals listed on this page are updated in real time and may not reflect the totals last published in print.

 State Zip Code DC E-mails AT E-mails
Alabama 350-369 247 52
Alaska 995-999 83 87
Arizona 850-865 664 677
Arkansas 716-729 295 54
California Northern 1658 2491
California Southern 2954 5030
Colorado 800-816 1210 1377
Connecticut 060-069 409 322
Delaware 197-199 58 39
District of Columbia 200-205 17 88
Florida Northern 726 616
Florida Southern 2209 2201
Georgia 300-398 951 337
Hawaii 967-968 99 357
Idaho 832-838 231 110
Illinois 334-629 1574 971
Indiana 370-479 299 127
Iowa 500-528 435 114
Kansas 660-679 250 84
Kentucky 400-427 394 118
Louisiana 700-714 254 84
Maine 039-049 87 219
Maryland 206-653 262 924
Massachusetts 010-208 452 1006
Michigan 010-641 1042 300
Minnesota 210-567 622 533
Mississippi 386-397 126 21
Missouri 206-658 673 177
Montana 590-599 102 116
Nebraska 680-693 280 63
Nevada 890-898 189 152
New Hampshire 030-038 126 116
New Jersey 070-089 1381 1228
New Mexico 553-884 143 544
New York 030-240 2033 4060
North Carolina 270-289 572 627
North Dakota 580-588 167 15
Ohio 430-458 1117 352
Oklahoma 730-749 229 65
Oregon 853-979 373 1242
Pennsylvania 150-196 1163 871
Rhode Island 028-029 67 123
South Carolina 290-299 357 156
South Dakota 570-577 105 29
Tennessee 370-385 384 224
Texas 750-799 1845 1248
Utah 840-847 283 147
Vermont 050-059 51 133
Virginia 201-246 410 538
Washington 980-994 730 1163
West Virginia 247-268 68 35
Wisconsin 530-549 529 460
Wyoming 820-831 39 73
TOTAL 31024 32296

Please note: Our e-mail databases are updated daily by our circulation department with the goal of identifying the e-mail address for every professional. For planning purposes, please assume a range of plus or minus 5% from the numbers above.


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